
     Hey! Seems like it is correct that every good thing has an end... This is our final project for this term, after I'll publish it too, probably I'm going to disappear.

    Our last task of this term was to create a Webquest about a project we selected from the coursebook which was given to us. Yüksel and I(don't forget to visit his blog too by clicking on his name.) chose the project 7, preparing a movie poster.

    We used QuestGarden (click on it to visit) for creating a technology-enhanced project. It enables teachers to create a Webquest so easily. We first introduced the task, then we mentioned about the task in detail on the "task" section. After that, we told the steps to follow on the "process" tab and then we explained our rubric on "evaluation" section. 

    It is ready to be visited now. You can use the link below to reach. Until my farewell post, take great care!



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