Greetings again! But for the last time... We have come to the end of the semester thus it is the last post of mine. I am delighted to be able to attend this class and learn things which will be my helpers in the future, I am so grateful to learn various tools and ways for integrating technology into education. However, as I should be, I am also sad because it came to an end. 

   Before getting this course, I was not an abstainer for integrating technology into education too. Though I had little to no ideas about how to do it. This course helped me to find "How?". It granted me so many tools such as Wikiis, Canva for so many things like creating a poster or infographic, Pixton, Padlet for taking notes, Vocaroo for making a podcast, Wordart for word clouds, and various unique experiences from the lessons.

  From the tasks I counted above, I liked creating a movie poster the most. Because I love reading books and watching movies a lot and this assignment was a combination of both. How could I not like it? and the least favorite assignment of mine was, I actually liked all of them but if I have to pick one I would say creating an infographic because it was harder for me to do than the others and I believe it was less joyful.

  I like how this course is taught because it involves joy in it. To improve it I would definitely suggest integrating Kahoot games in this lesson. Since it is the best way for having fun and practicing what you have learned at the same time.

  So, unfortunately these are my final words, until a brand new adventure, take great care! And never cease learning!


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