An Internet-Based Project

    Greetings and felicitations! This week's task was creating an internet-based project, a wall on Padlet with my friends. We were supposed to write what we know, what we want to know, and what we learned about a subject among the 12 subjects that are given to us and we chose one of them, Coronavirus. We first created the wall and then made our search. We ornamented our wall with colorful, catchy but incentive, and informative GIFs. For me, it was a fun task to do in a classroom environment, I really had fun and probably my students would have fun in the future as well, and studying with my friends in an environment like this was full of fun. 

 Padlet also is a cool tool to take notes, it is colorful and feels as real as corkboards in our houses, and in an age like this, technology age, it is essential to do these works in a virtual environment, and this is when Padlet saves the day! What I am trying to say is that our students are gonna most likely to be natives of technology and it will help them to grasp subjects better because they are so much used to the advanced technology and using the old styles in the class may make them bored, this is the best way to encourage students in the 21st age. By the way, you can reach our Padlet from the link below! See you all soon!


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