My Short Story Podcast

   Hello again! Today, a friend of mine and I, wrote and voiced a short story podcast for you. Its name is The Sheep Killer, it may be a little bit confusing story if you don’t listen to it carefully. Firstly, we wrote the story by using the randomly given words. Secondly, we revised what we wrote and proofread it. Then we searched for the sound effects and picked them for our story carefully. When all of this was over, we sounded it and then edited it with the effects we’ve decided before. Now it is ready to be listened and commented by all of you. :)

    Even though it was a very fun process and task for us, it had some challenging parts too. For example, when we created the podcast, we took the embed link and pasted it directly to our blogs, and it took lots of time and didn’t work of course, as all of you know we are new at blogging. :) At last with a friend’s help, we managed to find the HTML tab to paste the embed link (finally).

    Now I can say that I would do this in my class because students need to learn things by having fun and it is a fun way for doing it.

    Goodbye until my next blogging adventure, and thanks to Dilara Nur Coşkun for being my partner in this podcast. You can reach her blog from the link below. See you and stay healthy :)


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