This time, I'm not going to start my post with, "Hello again!". Today, I'm going to say goodbye. I have finished all of my tasks for this term and my last task is to say goodbye to you. It has been a fantastic term, I have learned numerous things for my future teaching career. Corpora based teaching, flipped classroom teaching, augmented reality, Webquest... They all will help me in the future for sure. Also, in this modern age digital materials for teaching are crucial to adapt to new era. These are the most beneficial sides of this term for me. However, I think this course not only has positive sides but also some weaknesses too and I have some recommendations. For example, the task which we were supposed to create augmented reality projects was excessively difficult. No one could find a properly working application and everyone had to resort to alternatives. In a way, it has a benefit for us too, it improved our problem solving skills. But still, it...