

      This time, I'm not going to start my post with, "Hello again!". Today, I'm going to say goodbye. I have finished all of my tasks for this term and my last task is to say goodbye to you. It has been a fantastic term, I have learned numerous things for my future teaching career. Corpora based teaching, flipped classroom teaching, augmented reality, Webquest... They all will help me in the future for sure. Also, in this modern age digital materials for teaching are crucial to adapt to new era. These are the most beneficial sides of this term for me.     However, I think this course not only has positive sides but also some weaknesses too and I have some recommendations. For example, the task which we were supposed to create augmented reality projects was excessively difficult. No one could find a properly working application and everyone had to resort to alternatives. In a way, it has a benefit for us too, it improved our problem solving skills. But still, it...


      Hey! Seems like it is correct that every good thing has an end... This is our final project for this term, after I'll publish it too, probably I'm going to disappear.     Our last task of this term was to create a Webquest about a project we selected from the coursebook which was given to us. Yüksel and I(don't forget to visit his blog too by clicking on his name.) chose the project 7, preparing a movie poster.     We used QuestGarden (click on it to visit) for creating a technology-enhanced project. It enables teachers to create a Webquest so easily. We first introduced the task, then we mentioned about the task in detail on the "task" section. After that, we told the steps to follow on the "process" tab and then we explained our rubric on "evaluation" section.      It is ready to be visited now. You can use the link below to reach. Until my farewell post, take great care!             ...

Augmented Reality

     Hi there! We're coming closer to the end of the semester, again. But before we disappear, we created an augmented reality project. It is simply, and literally, about augmenting the reality through technology. Selected items seem 3D and real in a video after the target image is triggered by scanning. Our task was to introduce a city with its cuisine and destinations. My friend Yüksel and I(You can click on his name to see his blog) selected Alberta, Canada for our assignment. We introduced various destinations, a museum and a popular food from there. Also, we created a handout for you to follow the steps and be able to scan the images to see the videos. We used Canva to create the handout, and UniteAR for augmenting. (By clicking on them you can visit their sites.)     It was the hardest assignment this term for us. There were lots of challenges in front of us. For example, all of us, had problems with finding a correctly-working application. After a coup...

Flipped Grammar Teaching

     Hello again! this week's task was to create a flipped grammar teaching video, similar to the previous week's task. My friend Yüksel and I(you can reach his blog by clicking on his name.) created a video and an activity to practice what we taught to our students. I created the activity and Yüksel created the video, when it comes to the script of the video, we wrote it together.      Actually, it was a pretty fun task, I had little to no difficulty while doing it, but trying to fit in a time limit was kind of hard, other than that it was easy and fun.     We used Slidepresenter for video and Wordwall for the activity to create them. (You can visit their sites by clicking on them.) Slidepresenter is the tool to voice your slides, and Wordwall is one of the best sites for a teacher to create after-course materials, it includes lots of different types of activities to create. When I will be a teacher, I will definitely use it in my class. ...

Flipped Vocabulary Teaching

     Hello again! It's my second blog post since my blog's revival. :) This time, my friend Ezgi (you can reach her blog by clicking on her name.) and I created an entertaining video that teaches learners a certain vocabulary by flipping the classroom.       Basically, we first introduced the never-before-seen words to learners, by showing visuals and sounds of them, then we created a dialogue in which the words are spoken to reinforce learning. The 2 people included in the dialogue were chosen children by us deliberately because we thought learner children could found a bond if the people in the video were children and in our opinion, flipping a classroom and creating such material is really helpful for learners.       And, yes it is an efficient way of teaching but it is also onerous, at least for me. Because I have never created such material before and it was kind of hard for me, we didn't know how to use the tools. Nevertheless...

Language Awareness Task

         Greetings from a Sunday morning, it has been a long time since my last post, but with the new course, Material Design in ELT, we decided to keep using our old blogs and I'm very happy about that.   As our first assignment, my pair  Ezgi  and I(you can visit her blog by clicking on her name.) created a language awareness task by using a corpus. Using a corpus is a necessity of data-driven learning. In data-driven learning, students acquire the language by exploring it themselves, and corpus is an enormous database containing lots of words and patterns. And, a language awareness task which we did on  Canva , encourages students to explore the language. You can check our work from below. See you later on our next assignment :)


     Greetings again! But for the last time... We have come to the end of the semester thus it is the last post of mine. I am delighted to be able to attend this class and learn things which will be my helpers in the future, I am so grateful to learn various tools and ways for integrating technology into education. However, as I should be, I am also sad because it came to an end.     Before getting this course, I was not an abstainer for integrating technology into education too. Though I had little to no ideas about how to do it. This course helped me to find "How?". It granted me so many tools such as Wikiis, Canva for so many things like creating a poster or infographic, Pixton, Padlet for taking notes, Vocaroo for making a podcast, Wordart for word clouds, and various unique experiences from the lessons.   From the tasks I counted above, I liked creating a movie poster the most. Because I love reading books and watching movies a lot and this assign...